Monthly Archives: September 2008


Redmond, WA

An unidentified sender says this “car park wasn’t that crowded but this Merc was, well, dumped when we came for breakfast and still there when we left. It had gone by the time we’d visited a couple of other shops in the mall.”

Seriously, what the hell is this about?


Filed under car, parking

Too tough

Location Unknown

Stephen says, “It’s not that far over the line, but really, how tough is it not to take up part of the handicapped space?”

You wouldn’t think it would be that tough…


Filed under parking, truck


Fort Worth, TX

Kathlyne says, “these photos were taken in front of my house. In the first photo the guy is basically encroaching on my driveway and my neighbor’s driveway. My driveway is very narrow, so it would have been hard for me to pull out. In the second photo it looks like the same truck is just driving by.  I assure you, he is in fact parked completely blocking my driveway. He is also completely in the street and completely inconsiderate.


Filed under parking, truck

Bad parking?

Washington, DC

Tiffanie say, “This is damn near impossible. It just is. I was leaving my local Target, when I saw this cyclist whip past me and pull into this handicap spot!!!”

I don’t know… I think there are disabilities that would still allow someone to ride a motorcycle. Maybe?


Filed under motorcycle, parking

Best friend

Washington, DC

Tiffanie says, “My best friend and I were rushing to attend a bachelorette party, late one night. She was driving and pulled into this parking space. There was no reversing to straighten up, nothing! When we got out, I was appalled to find her blatant disregard for the white lines! I asked her if she was gonna fix it, and she ignored me just like she ignored the white lines.”

A minor mistake, yes, but unnecessary nonetheless.

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Filed under parking, suv

Way too long

Santa Clara, CA

Yvette took this at her apartment complex. She says, “Currently, the complex is undergoing major renovations to empty units and with the work crews come looooooooooooooong pickup trucks. Any uncovered parking spaces are freebies, and they’re a priceless commodity in the evening, but they’re mostly open during the day. I came home for lunch on Tuesday and saw this colossal truck parked in what looks like a mini-space, but it’s really an average length parking space. You can see where the overhang ends and where the cars in the background end and this truck is too long by like five feet. His whole backend is just hanging out in the driveway.

You can kinda see how he didn’t even pull up all the way to the parking stopper–could’ve pulled in another 1.5 feet. I get that people that drive these kinds of trucks often have trouble parking them, but maybe they should think about that when they’re purchasing their double cab, extended long bed trucks! Just a thought!”


Filed under parking, truck

White lines everywhere

West Hollywood, CA

Sara says, “This was taken a few weeks ago at the Beverly Connection. Granted, I went to Old Navy early that day, so there was plenty of parking available, but I couldn’t let this one slide. I drive the Scion to the right of this beast, and you can see that I was able to distinguish which white lines I should park between. The Porche…not so much.”


Filed under car, parking

Nice car, bad parking

Nepean, Ontario, Canada

Steve says, “The same Ferrari F430 has visited this parking lot before, but the previous time, it was parked properly. I love the car, I just wish it was parked a little better.”

Don’t we all…

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Filed under car, parking

Needed a lot of space

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Katrina took this at Portside Warf, a ritzy restaurant, movie theatre, apartment complex. She says, “the car parked badly actually did have the official ‘disable parking’ permit, but they took up two disabled carparks!”

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Filed under car, parking

Not even kind of close

Bedford, TX

Jean says, “I don’t normally take my camera out with me on quick errands, but this day was a lucky exception. There’s no way that this was someone who was simply in a hurry, or just a little careless – this is a ‘I just don’t give a shit about the lines’ parking job.”


Filed under car, parking