Monthly Archives: December 2007

Bad parking all around

Savannah, GA (all)

Eric and Alice encountered all of these examples of bad parking in the same lot of a hotel on the same day. And this is only a sampling of what they saw. As E&A said, “It just seemed that nobody could park correctly that day!”

(You may have to look closely for some of the lines, but they are indeed there. And they are indeed being ignored!)


Filed under backin, car, parking, truck

All in a day’s shopping

Tim had quite the bad parking experience on his last minute holiday shopping trip. He calls these three instances “fine examples of goodwill towards men and…oops, I mean of only thinking about yourself and being in too much of a hurry to turn around or look for a real space.” 

Escondido, CA (all)

First he took this shot of “two cars parked at the end of the row, past the cart return. You can see faint lines where there used to be spaces here, so I am sure they justified this parking job by saying the lines are just faded. This shop is undergoing some construction and there is not enough space to maneuver the lot well as it is, but with these two parking out here I couldn’t make the turn past an oncoming car.”

Then at the very same store, he “pulled up five more feet to see [this], where these two had decided that they don’t need asphalt or real spaces to park here in the wild west.”

Finally, he left the madness to park on the street where he saw this car whose driver is “obviously much more important than the rest of us, and in way too much of a hurry to flip the car around on this wide, quiet street to face his/her car in the correct direction.”

Phew, what a day.

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Filed under car, parking, suv

Room to spare

Meriden, CT

Says Jennie: “I was walking my dog and came across this poor parking job. I wish I had taken the picture at a different angle so that you could see how far out of the spot this [truck] was and that it had NOTHING to do with the snow behind the truck. Please don’t be fooled.”

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Filed under backin, parking, suv

Putting on the squeeze

San Diego, CA

Jeff says this is how you render one parking space unusable with bad parking. That’s exactly what I was going to say!


Filed under car, parking, suv


Grand Rapids, MI

Rob also found this car whose driver must have misjudged the line. I think.


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Snow bank

Grand Rapids, MI

Rob found this guy parked in a snow bank. Trying to blend in?

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Snow covered


Caitlin said, “Where I work we have to park in a parking garage (bad thing number 1). When we end up with 3 feet of snow (bad thing number 2), the garage gets crazy because it’s what? FULL OF SNOW. So some greedy mofo decides to take their big truck and take 2 spaces. Really, did they not see the bright yellow line? Not enough space to get in and out of the cab?”

She even said she was late for work because she was having a bad parking photo op in the garage. But in Caitlin’s words: “It was worth it.” 

Glad you think so!

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Filed under backin, parking, truck


Duluth, MN

Erik assures us that he, in the the black car, was there first. And he also wanted to point out that the side of the white car said “Arrowhead Auto Body Courtesy Car.” See:

Some courtesy…

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Filed under car, parking

Getting a permanent

Winston-Salem, NC

Sarah writes, “You can see that this car has completely blocked my grey Camry in. I was standing there, staring in disbelief when I came out to the parking lot, and a woman called out to me ‘she went into the salon!’ So I entered, asked if anyone knew where the owner was, and someone said ‘she’ll be out in a minute.’ Five minutes later a really, really old woman slowly makes her way to the vehicle, avoiding eye contact. C’est la vie.”


Filed under car, parking

An emergency?


 Indianapolis, IN

Andrea says, “This truck was in the parking lot of my doctor’s office/hospital. Not only is it clearly over the line, but it is not even pulled completely into the spot! Must have been in a big hurry!”

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Filed under parking, truck