Category Archives: motorcycle

Traffic cop

Newark, DE

Craig says, ” The local traffic cop decided to park with his back end sticking out into the left lane of traffic so he could write a ticket I think for the motorcycle in the picture.  He looks like (and should be) writing a ticket for himself for the bad park job.  Its a little grainy because I got the picture on my cell phone as I was walking to a bar.”


Filed under motorcycle, parking, truck

Sorry cyclist

San Francisco, CA

He who wishes to protect his name says, “Sorry this is not the best picture – but this motorcycle was there all weekend and into the week killing us all in the lower haight, where parking is at a premium. It’s possible that this was a result of cars moving… but still, you would think they would move their bike – anyway, when you have to park 6 blocks from home who cares what the reason is! Its inexcusable and just plain bad parking!”


Filed under motorcycle, parking

Crosswalk Cop

Arlington, VA

Jeff took this picture taken outside the Arlington County Courthouse and calls it “Cop Parking in a Crosswalk.”

Maybe the white lines were confusing…


Filed under motorcycle, parking

Bad parking?

Washington, DC

Tiffanie say, “This is damn near impossible. It just is. I was leaving my local Target, when I saw this cyclist whip past me and pull into this handicap spot!!!”

I don’t know… I think there are disabilities that would still allow someone to ride a motorcycle. Maybe?


Filed under motorcycle, parking

Move it on over

San Jose, California

After struggling daily for a spot in her apartment complex’s parking structure, Yvette came home one night after a 15 hour day to find the only “open” parking space to actually be occupied by a motorcycle (which, by the way, could have been parked in the designated motorcycle spaces but was not).

What did Yvette do? She got out of her car, moved the bike over, and pulled into the spot. Then took a picture. And apparently started what she calls a “passive-aggressive parking revolution” when other tenants began to do the same thing over the next week.


Filed under motorcycle, parking

Deceptive parking

Location Unknown

Clarissa came upon this empty spot (top) and proceeded to pull in only to find this motorcycle at the very tippy top of the parking space. Not necessarily bad parking, but frustrating nonetheless. We’ll count it.


Filed under motorcycle, parking